All where ashigos have been, will be and ever be.

The map of Azailia, featuring major landmarks across the lands. Azailia is large and vast, countless villages and beauty is found all over. Where will your story be?
Mount Kest
The largest mountain in Azailia, it is believed to once be even bigger. Having a peak that cut through the clouds like a razor sharp claw. It is said that it was the moutain that the God Clesetion climbed. it holds significant value to the ashigos.
The Mountain Valley
The Mountain Valley is said to have been formed when a meteoroid hit Azailia thousands of years ago, leaving a large hole in the ground. Ashigos have been known to live here for centuries as it is widely considered to be the birthplace of the great Valentineos. The city is named after the legendary hero.
The Crystal Caverns
A cursed place, forbidden for anyone to enter...
Bungalow Jungle
Very Warm and humid, many settlements of both Wetland and Aqua ashigos. The forest is densely packed and full of life.
Curve's Reach
Largest coral reef in Azailia, the water not as warm as The BungalowJ Jungle's reefs, but the majority of aqua ashigos call this place their homes. A few aqua ashigos have even made above water settlements on the archipelago.
Cashew Desert
Miles and miles of desert, it is said that because of Mount Kest's peak it was deprived from water causing it to dry out. Cashew desert is known for it's strange claw like rocks that cover it.
Storm's Keep
The desert is known for it's unforgiving heat and sandstorms, Storm's keep is the largest city, settled in a cluster of Claw rocks it is the only place that will only outsiders to stay.
Oasis Towns
It is known that there is multiple settlements of desert ashigos are scattered across the cashew desert's oasis. The ashigos that live in these settlements are very aggersive and attack any who get too close.
The Moons of Azailia
Documeted and charted by Ashigos over the course of hundreds of years.

The largest of the three moons said to be the old body of the ashigo god Celestion and the location of the Nextworld.
Named after Celestion's dearest friend, the moon is the second biggest.
The smallest azailian moon, ashigos are unsure where it came from, it just appeared one night.