Azailian Species
A record of species that live on azailian.

A common species that is found by Grassland ashigo villages, they where attracted to their villages because of the bugs that lived in the ashigo's food stores. Grassland ashigos thought they were cute and realised that they can shear their thick wool like fur and turn it into warm blankets and clothes. They are omnivores and will eat anything that fits into their mouth, this includes ankles of visheep shepherds. They have a bird like mouth that it jagged and sharp as a knife, their little nips hurt like hell.
Their face and legs are typically a dark colour, this is to absorb sunlight and warm themselves up, they can be seen lying on the roofs sunbathing when the weather is hot.
Species created by Poofen
Annos are only found in the Bungalow Jungle, they are small semi-aquatic mammals that always have three horns on their heads. They are known for their strange ability to mimic the ashigoian language, they do this exclusivly to insult and bully passing ashigos. It isn't a common sight for a wetland ashigoling to run home crying because an anno was mean to them. They are also known for carrying a certain unpleasant smell, once you smell it you will always know what an anno smells like...
A bunch of wetland ashigos really like annos while the rest of them despise them with a burning hatred. Their horns make good necklaces.

Native to Curve's reef, they are much larger than any ashigo. Beleived to be one of the last apex preadtors left after the mass exinction. They are carnivores, mostly eating seafood and building their nests on searocks. They have black bones and coloured scelra and a large flat tail that is used for catching currents in the wind. Not to much is really known about them since, many ashigos are intimated by their size.
Aqua ashigos who have lived their entire lives inside Curve's reach aren't as frightened by them, they would come into conflict if a windglider tried to steal an aqua ashigos food. This is because of old rumours that spread out about a Windglider who developed a taste for ashigo, however these are false as from what we known, they seem to just be gentle gaints.